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12/2020 – Exposure of algae optimized

Since 2010, our LED fireplaces have been illuminating algae all over the world. Even back then, high cell densities could be achieved with this innovative equipment, as the heat generated by the lighting can be dissipated due to the chimney-like geometry. These fireplaces have now been given a new, intelligent design and are therefore even better protected against splash water.

As before, the fireplaces were implemented as xCUBIO multi configuration.Thus 4 chimneys can be attached to one supply tower. But one thing is for sure: The xCUBIO multi consists of a control centre with up to 6 towers. In this case our development department has outdone itself. Sixteen bubble columns at the same time have already been connected, exposed and algae successfully cultivated in them. The fireplaces have four wavelengths (red 645 nm & 625 nm as well as blue 445 nm and white light), which can be varied independently of each other in their intensity.

We are not limited to the listed wavelengths. We provide you with every wavelength available on the market! They are therefore perfectly suited for optimization experiments and research applications of microalgae and cyanobacteria. With our systems you always have the right wavelength!