In our press archive you can find an overview of articles, presentations and press releases about bbi-biotech products and activities. The files are available as pdf-downloads or as links to the appropriate sources.
Press releases
bbi-biotech GmbH is part of the Germany-wide online map “Industrie 4.0” of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 (November 19, 2015)
The Germany-wide online map “Industry 4.0” of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 is online. The automated, sterile sampling system bioPROBE for bioreactors and fermenters of bbi-biotech GmbH is also one of around 200 examples from Industry 4.0 practice presented on the online map of Plattform Industrie 4.0. It was presented for the first time by Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Sigmar Gabriel together with other members of the leadership on November 19 during the National IT Summit in Berlin.
Read the entire press release here.
Fastest Spare Parts Supply for Bioreactors and Fermenters from the novel Biotech-Shop by bbi (04. November 2015)
bbi-biotech has recently implemented a special shop area on their website to supply a fast and precise tool for bioreactor and fermenter spare parts search. The product portfolio of the biotech-shop has constantly been completed after its launch in the 3rd quarter 2015 and now gets increasing access counts. The biotech-shop presents an extensive selection of mechanical spare parts and accessory devices for bioreactors and fermenters from every type and scale. All items are presented with exact data sheets, which contain component description, measures, materials and matching vessel sizes.
Please read our press release here.
7200-Liter Fermenter for the Production of Biotechnological Additives Successfully Commissioned (05. October 2015)
bbi-biotech designed the new production fermenter for ABiTEP based on proven special process guidelines for soil bacteria demands. The Oxygen regime is based on stirrer control and gas feed rates and allows the production of up to 5,000 liters culture suspension with homogenous and high Oxygen contents.
Please read our press release here.
Clean sampling from bioreactors- Max Planck Innovation licenses innovative sampling system to bbi-biotech (10. March 2010)
Max Planck Innovation GmbH, the technology transfer organization of the Max Planck Society, is concluding two exclusive licensing agreements for a liquid sampling system with bbi-biotech GmbH, an innovative biotechnology company. The technology, developed at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, provides a sterile and economical way of taking samples for bioprocess analysis.
Please read the common press release of Max-Planck-Society and bbi-biotech GmbH here.
Sampling with bioPROBE: automatic, sterile and dead-volume-free
Mit dem vollautomatischen Probenahmesystem bioPROBE stellt die bbi-biotech GmbH ein Gerät vor, das schnell, totvolumenfrei und autark flüssige Proben aus einem Bioreaktor entnimmt und diese an ein beliebiges Analysegerät übergibt. Die Sterilität des ablaufenden Produktionsprozesses ist dabei zu keiner Zeit gefährdet.
Laborwelt, 11. volume, Nr. 5/2010, page 40-42. Please press here, to read the article (in German).
Sampling around the clock– The connection between bioreactors and analytics
Das universale, vollautomatische Probenahmesystem bioPROBE für Flüssigproben aus Bioreaktoren der Firma bbi-biotech GmbH ermöglicht die sofortige und direkte Weitergabe von Proben an Analysegeräte oder Probensammler. Menschliches Eingreifen wird beim Vorgang der Probenahme und bei der anschließenden Analyse unnötig und verhindert eine Kontamination der Proben. Das System erlaubt damit Atline-Analysen, was zu einer Erhöhung der Produktivität des Bioprozesses beiträgt. Eine Rund-um-die-Uhr Probenahme wird möglich und eine daraus resultierende optimierte Steuerung reduziert die anfallenden Verbrauchskosten. Es eröffnen sich neue Möglichkeiten der Verfahrensentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung.
BIOforum, volume 33, 2/2010, page 37-38. Please download the article after free registration on this webpage.